If you are applying Canadian universities, I can give you some advice. Generally, Canadian universities accept the grading system in China. That means, you don't need to convert your grades. The requirement in good univerisities is 85/10, while some universities only require 80/100. If you do want to convert your grades, or the university you applied has such a requirement, then you should use the following table:
90or above --> A+ 4.3
85-89 --> A 4.0
80-84 --> A- 3.7
75-79 --> B+ 3.3
70-74 --> B 3.0
65-69 --> B- 2.7
60-64 --> C+ 2.3
Most of the universities in Canada use the above table, but some univers ities do have their own grading system. Some have a 4.0 base grading system. And some others rate 85 or above as A+. And sometimes the grading system is different from department to department.
You should convert every course to 4.3 based grade and then calculate the average. At last you write the GPA as *.*/4.3 Some Chinese universities write their converting table in the transcripts. In that case, I think you will have to follow your university.
标准算法GPA=[(92*4+80*3+98*2+70*6+89*3)*4]/[(4+3+2+6+3)*100]= 3.31
在具体运用中,美国大学经常采用总平均绩点与最后两年平均绩点。总平均绩点(Overall GPA)是将全部所修学科按上述方法计算出来的点数,最后两年平均绩点(GPA for the last two years)即将最后两年所修各科按上述方法计算出来的点数。
If you are applying Canadian universities, I can give you some advice. Generally, Canadian universities accept the grading system in China. That means, you don't need to convert your grades. The requirement in good univerisities is 85/10, while some universities only require 80/100. If you do want to convert your grades, or the university you applied has such a requirement, then you should use the following table:
90or above --> A+ 4.3
85-89 --> A 4.0
80-84 --> A- 3.7
75-79 --> B+ 3.3
70-74 --> B 3.0
65-69 --> B- 2.7
60-64 --> C+ 2.3
Most of the universities in Canada use the above table, but some univers ities do have their own grading system. Some have a 4.0 base grading system. And some others rate 85 or above as A+. And sometimes the grading system is different from department to department.
You should convert every course to 4.3 based grade and then calculate the average. At last you write the GPA as *.*/4.3 Some Chinese universities write their converting table in the transcripts. In that case, I think you will have to follow your university.
标准算法GPA=[(92*4+80*3+98*2+70*6+89*3)*4]/[(4+3+2+6+3)*100]= 3.31
在具体运用中,美国大学经常采用总平均绩点与最后两年平均绩点。总平均绩点(Overall GPA)是将全部所修学科按上述方法计算出来的点数,最后两年平均绩点(GPA for the last two years)即将最后两年所修各科按上述方法计算出来的点数。