《自然》杂志审稿人称赞该工作“展示了一项开创性实验的结果(present the results of a groundbreaking experiment);” “这是朝向构建全球化量子密钥分发网络甚至量子互联网的重要一步(This is a significant step toward establishing a global network for QKD, and more generally, a quantum Internet for quantum communication);”“我的确认为不依赖可信中继的长距离纠缠量子密钥分发协议的实验实现是一个里程碑(I do agree that the actual implementation of a long-distance entanglement-based QKD protocol not relying on trusted nodes is a milestone)。”该研究成果是现实条件下实现安全、远距离量子保密通信的重要突破,如同沃尔夫物理学奖获得者、量子密码的提出者之一Gilles Brassard所指出的,“这将最终实现所有密码学者千年来的梦想(This would achieve the holy Grail that all cryptographers have been dreaming of for thousands of years)。”