《科学》杂志的审稿人对该工作给与高度评价:“他们在原子比特中实现了我所知的最低的熵,并且是在如此大的(1万个原子)系统中;进一步,他们报导了我所知的中性原子中的最高保真度两比特量子门(They show the lowest entropy/particle that I am aware of for an atomic register, no less one of this size (10^4); further, they report the highest fidelity two-qubit gate that I am aware of for neutral atoms 0.993(1));” “开发新的晶格量子气体制冷技术,是该学界为了研究新物态和满足量子信息处理需求的重要目标。有鉴于此,我认为他们实现如此大的熵减是一个突破……(Developing new cooling techniques for quantum gases in optical lattices is an important goal for the community to access novel states of matter and for quantum information applications. In that sense, I consider the impressive entropy reduction factor demonstrated here a breakthrough)。”