最近不知怎么了,自从写了篇有点点女权的PHS(personal history statement),就还真有点儿女权起来了~“胡美丽/应台”起来了(看过龙应台早期作品的童鞋懂得~)不调侃自己了,说正经的: 上周六(12.25)有个上交的同学恰好到科大参加活动,下午约我们几个高中同学聊聊,顺便逛逛科大校园。刚走到西区,A同学(科大男)就先引出话题:“那个就是西区图书馆,昨天那事儿……听说是28岁女博,估计是嫁不出去了吧……或者被男友甩了,最后一根救命稻草没抓到,呵呵~”
很不合时宜的粘几句自己写在PHS里的话:I never thought a PhD degree something that would ruin the beauty of a woman. On the contrary, through the challenging scientific research experience, a female will become more independent in her thinking, more skilled at communication and cooperation with others, and more mature to overcome obstacles: all these make a female with real amazing elegance…作者: xahxah2004 时间: 2010-12-28 19:39
路过~~~~~~作者: 风摆柳 时间: 2010-12-28 20:03 只要是符合自身价值观的,都是很棒的! 作者: 林峰 时间: 2010-12-28 20:14
路过~~~~~~~~~~作者: 安全蓝天 时间: 2010-12-28 22:41
赞同作者: 少年网事 时间: 2010-12-29 09:00
是一个不能回避的问题.作者: 秋叶hxx 时间: 2010-12-29 09:14