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[原创] 海外大学暑假本科生研究项目

洛水青士 发表于 2015-3-20 10:34:01 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 洛水青士 于 2015-3-20 10:35 编辑

海外大学暑假本科生研究项目——SAF 项目和服务

洛桑大学 - SAF 全奖本科生暑假研究项目
UNIL-SAF Summer Undergraduate Research (SUR) Program
Study Abroad Foundation (SAF) is proudly launching the UNIL Summer Undergraduate Research (SUR) Program within SAF member universities. The UNIL SUR program is offered by the School of Biology of the Faculty of Biology and Medicine at the University of Lausanne. This unique program enables all the accepted biology, life sciences or medicine majored students with a great opportunity to:
SAF 海外学习基金会在 SAF 会员大学内推出 SUR 项目。SUR 项目是由洛桑大学生物和生 物医学院提供。生物、生命科学、医学专业的学生通过此项目可以有机会:
  • Research into the unknown in the laboratory;
  • Have a research scientist as the mentor;
  • Join the seminars and learn the presentation skills for research projects;
  • Learn from senior researchers on their research topics and career path;
  • Get advices from faculty members on the PhD studies opportunities;
  • Get full financial support from UNIL and SAF during the program;
  • Make friends and communicate with students from divers cultural and academic backgrounds;
  • Experience the campus life of world-class university;
  • Live in Lausanne;
  • 在实验室对未知领域探索和研究
  • 由科学家进行指导
  • 参加讲座并学习进行就科研项目演说的演讲技巧
  • 从师于资深科研人员,了解他们的研究课题以及职业发展道路
  • 从院系老师处获得申请博士研究生的建议和指导
  • 从 UNIL 和 SAF 处获得经济支持
  • 和来自不同国家地区的学生交流获取不同文化和学术知识
  • 体验世界级大学的校园生活
  • 在瑞士洛桑生活
Part I. Program description 项目简介
Items Description
Target Students
Biology, life sciences or medicine majored students who are at the end of their second or third year in their undergraduate studies. 20-25 places available to applicants from various countries.
生物、生命科学、医学专业大二、大三年级的学生。全球共 20-25 个名额。
Program Period
July 6th ~ August 27th, 2015
2015 年 7 月 6 日至 8 月 27 日
Program Content
  • Laboratory research mentored by a research scientist
  • Shared academic activities amongst SUR participants or with participants of the sister program at the School of Life Sciences of EPFL once a week. The activities include but are not limited to research presentation introductory, seminars on research topics or career path or information session on PhD studies.
    每周一次在学院内,SUR 项目参与者之间或和瑞士理工学院的姊妹项目参与者分享学术成果、讨论职业发展及 博士研究机会等各种活动
  • Presentation in a shared symposium between EPFL and UNIL and a final report.
Working Language
Arranged by the program for non-local participants
1. UNIL Scholarship UNIL 奖学金
A scholarship towards tuition costs and living expenses is awarded to all selected participants, which covers the following cost:
  • Housing for the duration of the program;
  • Living expenses;
  • Tuition costs
Limited funds are available to cover justified travel costs (receipts required) as well as excursions and social events.
  • 项目期间的住宿费
  • 生活费
  • 学费
  • 小额旅行费用及学生活动费用也可申请报销(需收据)。
2. SAF Travel Grant SAF 旅行津贴
Two travel grants, valued at USD500 each grant, will be endorsed to the top two students from SAF member universities who are admitted into the SUR program.
SAF 会为两名被该项目录取的 SAF 会员大学学生提供每人500 美元的旅行津贴。

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